Monday, December 15, 2008

Well, all is going pretty well for the Bosch clan. Andy recently suggested we should no longer call ourselves the "Bosch family" or "Bosch clan," but the "Bosch pack." We adopted a third dog over the weekend which prompted him to say that. Bella is an adorable beagle pup. She's 6 months old, sweet as can be, and very good. She only had 2 accidents in the house all weekend. Yay! We're working on crate-training and teaching her to ring the bells attached to our patio door to let us know she needs out. The older dogs are good at teaching her too. 

The reason we got Bella is because Holly, our 5 y/o dog has cancer. She had a tumor removed from under her eye, but the cancer unfortunately had spread to her lymphatic system. Our 4 y/o dog is such a love, such a caretaker dog, that he can't be alone. He was so depressed when my sister left and took her dog, and he had Holly to keep him company still. So we got Bella for Ivan. So far so good. They're getting along fine and playing together too, which takes some of the roughhousing off Holly, who's a bit tired and lethargic these days. We don't know how long she'll be with us, but we're treasuring every moment and spoiling her rotten. Once she seems to be on pain and not doing well, we'll take her and have her put down. :( 

We've still not heard anything about the baby. I'm sure we won't until we get "the call," if we do get "the call."  Jordan's birth-mom is due some time before mid January based on when she was incarcerated, so it could be any time. Jordan was a few weeks early. We've got a bag of newborn essentials ready just in case we have to run to the hospital to pick one up. :D We'd not be able to even think about taking on this baby if my health hadn't improved so much. I'm still in a lot of pain a few days a week, but doing much better. As I adjust to the medication I'm on, it will be more effective over longer periods of time.

I feel like we're Grinches this year. All down our street are houses decked to the nines with Christmas lights and such. We've got a few lights on our ivy climbing up a stone pillar out front and that's it. Andy didn't want to climb the ladder to put up the lights since his leg still hurts from his clot(he's doing MUCH better though), and my back surgery and resulting nerve damage down one leg and foot has led to some balance issues for me. Better safe than sorry, so we get to look like Grinches I guess.

The kids are all great! Allaura made the Superintendent's Honor Roll list this past semester. If she keep up her grades, she'll automatically be enrolled in all Honors classes in Middle School next year. Xander is keeping up with the class and doing great with his special ed services in place. He's still not quite reading(other than sight words he's memorized), but he's getting there. Desi is doing great in Kindergarten too and is reading on her own a bit now. She wants to know how everything is spelled and it's no longer "safe" to spell things out in front of her to keep it secret. LOL!  

We had a great time at Connie's for Thanksgiving. Thank you Connie and everyone! It was wonderful to spend time with you all!  

We are hoping we'll get a little dusting of snow tonight. It's supposed to snow at pretty low elevations. I bet Allan and Delcia have a good bunch. We are looking forward to the kids' "Winter Wonderland" assembly this Friday. Allan and Delcia will be coming, then we're going off to celebrate Allan and my birthdays. Fun! We can't wait! Christmas is coming up way to fast and we keep finding we're not as prepared as we thought. LOL! Getting Bella kind of threw a loop into some of our plans, but the right dog became available and we jumped at the chance. 

We hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday season full of merriment and lots of love! 

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